Sunday 30 September 2007


About time I got a half decent shot of my Dad. Its difficult to get a good shot of him looking serious, he is always messing around and playing the joker.

This was taken on his allotment, which is his pride and joy. His wife, Paula, does most of the hard work as Dad is meant to take things steady since his operation.

In his words - he is the supervisor of the allotment. Either way, he was well pleased when the local town magazine (The Talk of the Town) did an article on him and his onions. He was so chuffed, he learnt how to use a web browser so he could have a look at the online article :-)

His consultant asked him last week how long since the heart surgery...5 years was Dad's which the consultant must have been top notch work - your still with us! Very comforting!

He has had a few scares since the original operation, and been back in for more surgery - as he says, every new day is a gift!

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